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Update on North Carolina and Job

Hey, a few people have asked me what I've been up to so rather than answer everyone individually, I figured I'd go note.

The house is awesome, if you saw my website you saw the initial stage of the house, long story short there's a lot of new paint and furniture, and the electronics are out of control. Our power bill will probably be astronomical this month. Oh well. I hope to be getting a dog soon.

I had a resume on Career, and this staffing company found me and asked me in for an interview. They're in the process of merging with a national company and some of their office staff left, so they were looking for someone to fill in. I made sure they knew I was still job searching, and they said it was fine, if I don't find something else I could stay on, and if I did then they appreciate the time I did have there. I've been there for 3 weeks now and it's just fine, it's a job that pays the bills and that's exactly what I need. I've been doing generic office work, taking phones, paperwork, etc.

However, I also had an interview at UNC Greensboro's office for Adult Students. The position's classification is "Administrative Support Associate" with a working title of "Office Manager and Web Developer." It's a small office, just this individual, the director, and a part time worker, and when I initially applied they approached me from the angle of "you know, this position will require you to do a lot of student-affairsy stuff in addition to administrative associate type stuff" as if it was a down-point. Long story short, I interviewed for the position and got it! I start on the 16th of July, it's about 1/2 hour away from my house, and I think it'll be a good fit.

So there's my deal, catch you on the flip side.

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