Surfrock66’s Weekly Tweets for 2012-05-13
- #Avengers Is it weird that I almost teared up when the helicarrier took off? #RememberColson #Shawarma #Smash #MarkVII #Mjolnir #AgentHill #
- Wow...fuck north carolina, what a bunch of stupid intolerant redneck jackasses. Why does anyone smart still live there anyway? #
- Maybe you should put slavery and women's suffrage to a vote too...go back to the good old days, huh boys! #confederacy #NorthCarolinaSucks #
- At least I finally get to leave the backwards-ass east coast in 5 weeks and go back to CA where they value individual freedom...oh wait. #
- Why do people do civil war re-enactments, but not other wars? Never seen a Hiroshima re-enactment, or a fall of Rome re-enactment. #
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