2 things today. First, I get bitched at a lot by my computer savvy friends about my web page, saying that it's too simple and that tables are so 2001. Here is my response: 1+1=2, and 3-7+9-5+14-3-4+1-6=2. Just because it's more complex or newer doesn't mean it's better. Tables are simple, work well for most browsers, and what's better than php, css and DIVs is that the menu at the top (which I like as I am the primary user of this page, it's a mobile favorites page with an incidental blog about my adventures) doesn't have to reload every time you navigate around. For example, with the blog archives, with all the content and pics on one document it'd take forever to load, but I only keep about 5 posts with minimal pics there so it loads like lightning. The javascript for the menu is the fattest part of the page and loads last as it executes. If every time you wanted to look at, say, a project, or my apartment, or my MRI you had to reload that menu, load times would be 2x-4x higher. Tables, frames, and java are an elegant solution, though they may not be as geek savvy as people think they should be.
So, for those of you who have accused me of not understanding the languages and therefore not programming in them, I offer this new bit of Geek Fodder: My IP DNS Router. From home, I have like 11 computers and want remote access, but being behind a dynamically assigned IP of a cable modem and then a router with a dynamic IP table, it's hard. Well, here's my solution. Using DNSer, which is a service installable script which accesses the admin panel of your router to find the WAN address in the html and then can broadcast it to a specific server, I capture my cable's IP every 10 minutes. This program is set up to automatically send to any of a million Dynamic DNS services out there, which exist for people without webspace but who want to host a site from home, but that's not what I want. I have webspace and just want file access to home. So, I had to write a php client to accept this IP address, and then do SOMETHING with it. I came up with this: Surfrock66 Home Beta. The PHP code has 2 commands, 1 which accepts an IP argument and simply passes the IP to a log file, and the second to take that log file and create dynamic links to it pointing to the various services my home network offers. I consider this very secure, although I haven't passworded the php file (which I could by foldering it and using a .htaccess file, if it becomes necessary, but 1 who wants to fuck with me and 2 it'll slow the process down) but I don't allow remote access to the router admin so no one can mess with that (plus it's MAC address filtered, so you have to have my computer or one on the net to access it, and if you have that I have much bigger problems than Wireless leeching) and all the services are passworded. Voila. Feel free to use this code, I couldn't find a good solution so I had to write it, the source is available here. (Right click and save target as, it'll still execute if you view it)
On a slightly more morbid note, I don't know if a lot of people are aware of this but I draw A LOT. Most of it is doodling, but if I get an image in my head every once in a while I'll make it more involved. I had this image I had to put to paper, when I was done I found a lot of meaning that I didn't intend to put into it, but I present it to the world for your viewing pleasure/horror, I think it really accurately depicts how I feel right now.